1. Personal data record keeping
It is clarified that Lesvos-island.com does not have an open-access directory of electronic addresses of its subscribers. Hence, any personal information (e.g. email, etc.) which appear anywhere on the pages and the services of Lesvos-island.com website is intended exclusively and only for ensuring the operation of the respective service and no third party is allowed to use it.
The personal data you declare to Lesvos-island.com is used exclusively by it with the purpose of supporting, promoting and performing the trading relation, for promotional actions of Lesvos-island.com, companies associated or cooperating with it, for informing on products and services of Lesvos-island.com or companies cooperating with it or for statistical purposes.
2. Use of Cookies
We use cookies to ensure the enhanced operation of the website and for improving your browsing experience, as well as for optimizing the provision of our services. A Cookie is a small text file which the webserver of the Company Lesvos-island.com stores in your computer when you visit the site. It enables the website to remember your actions and preferences over a period of time, e.g. online advertising personalization, traffic or statistical analysis, provision of services you have requested, so you don’t need to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another. Only Lesvos-island.com and its specially authorized partners have access to any cookie-related information.
You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish.